19 Nov, Miss PQ Bday. 25 Nov, Miss WX Bday. Wen out to celebrate wif these two bday gals on sat, 25 Nov. meet pq at 2.30pm, wen to cineleisure, but was caught in e rain. Me n pq decided to buy an umbrella... but then awlk e whole of dat john little at sommerset, cant find a single one. zzz. oh well.. wat to do la.. walk in e rain. chiong lor. lol. wen to watch movie, Step-Up. A very cooll movie indeed. Song is awesome, dancemove amazing.. see liao wan go learn dancing. LOL. jkjk, too fat to dance. Dinner at thaiexpress bishan, took neoprint, then we head home. time we spent tgt was rather short, but was fun. Bring me aways frm all e stress in sch haha.. feel so relax. belows are some of e pic taken. n neoprint also lol.
Happy Bday!

Wx say like reunion wif my 2 wive.. lol, how nice.
Finally all 19th le. mature lookin liao. Friends forever. (^^,)
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