well well.. last week busy wrkin mainly. Thurs wen to east coast wil yi yan, sia la.. like torture... walk frm tink about the mid of east coast park to the end of the park jus to hav our dinner.. lol.. zzz... long stretch of road sia... on our way back to the mac, we took a break at one of the bench n tok tok. Well.. we waitin for yy fren... cos she wan me see n evaluate him zzz... n she nt interested at him. diao.. kena drag into this.. hai.. so wait at mac till he came, then i run liao. head home. cos got james Weddin.. "wedding" in ms. lol... 

Wrkin for the weekend lor.. then on sat cassandra suddenly pop by.. lol.. least expected though.. haha.. very sian lor.. wrkin there watch er jue ju zhi wen haha.. funny show.

Wrkin for the weekend lor.. then on sat cassandra suddenly pop by.. lol.. least expected though.. haha.. very sian lor.. wrkin there watch er jue ju zhi wen haha.. funny show.