Friday, June 10, 2005

Today feel great, cos finally can slp more then 6 hrs lolx.. Woke up at 11am. Did the usual thingy n left the hse to yishun mrt. Wen about to leave hse, ah ln called me, told me he forgot to bring his keys n wallet... (very nice try) then ask me lend him money. I very gd one, u ask, then if can help i will help one. So i took extra $$ out b4 i left home. Reach yishun n lend ah ln $$. Meet LT n phoebe in the train. Reach yck mrt, n wait for cody n mandy. Half way to sch, me ah ln n cody wen to the other entrance to sports complex, cos we goin to see the club crawl.

Club Crawl... si bei sian... nothin one sia.. reach there heard a guy sit there sing zao xia song, crappy cca booth... hai.. cant locate bowlin. Found archery, new club for now. Well, Archery is $25 a month. Bowlin club, tink 90% disband liao.. damn... i this pro haven join then u go disband it.... !@#$%^&*.... well, end up still nv join any cca...

After dat we 3 walk to blk Q (another corner of the sch) to meet up wif the gals n james. All hardwrkin sia, doin PIC.. hai.. I did nthin, oni i follow them go ask Chiam bout sum theory, finally understand it haha... yeah... song... Nxt me ah ln n james go makan for lunch. Me n James eat Curry chicken katsu don. Then james "argue" wif the aunty over the word katsu (dun noe is pork or chicken. nv study jap b4 haha..) ok la the curry rice, edible. but still...

Got lab at 2. Chimelogy sia the lab, need to set up the machines si bei siao liao.. then the experiment end up so borin... me n ah ln one grp, sit there do nth, jsu need to take dwn the readin. haha.. we miss 2 times in a row on one particular readin lolx.. lab end at bout 4.30pm then decide to go bowlin. Wen to shoppin arcade to draw $ frm teh atm machine.. crap, oni can draw $50 at least... sian... bo bian, then i lend cody $10. haha.. today i loadshark, lend 2 ppl money today. lolx.

Nxt stop, grassroot. We go bowlin. Attendance drop frm 8-6. Phoebe n SM did nt go bowlin. Then oni got 4 ppl play, me, ah ln, cody n liting. Well, i completely no form n feel at all... until bout frame 4 onwards, got a bit feelin. Then second game, litin nv play. left the 3 guys playin. While playin, lt suddenlly started a convi bout sch wrk all this stuff... listen liao sian dao... mood to bowlin drop n drop... end up playin like shit... hai... Well, we end at bout 6pm++ like dat.

Back to yishun, me n ah ln go makan at blk 925 coffee shop, had chicken rice. After dat go have dessert. At that moment, i saw her... its confirm her after a few thoughts. Well, she's sumone i noe few yrs back. complicated stuff happen btw us la haha.. well, she grow taller liao. After dessert, me n ah ln wen to northpoint to cool dwn, cos very hot sia.. wen to arcade played a few games... well arcade now really sian... Wen to see cd all this, then left for home. Well, reach home bathe then sian sian, no mood do tutorial... tmr then do liao... Dats all for today. tataz..

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Very tired today... Crawl off my bed at 6.50am... Bathe change up then reach Yishun mrt at bout 7.30am... no one there... saw liting n phoebe in the train. hai.. must wait for ah ln n Shu mei so bo bian.. ll must wait there..

Today got 8hrs lecture.. heat n mass transfer n Reactor system the lesson... wah biang... can slp lor... e-commerce n PnC not so bad, got more fun haha.. Today make fun of liting, LI TING SQUARE FACE. haha... ah ln start one. hehe... he did a presentation on face readin, the liting is completely under square face dat section haha... now she is called square face, LCD haha... Sharp Aquos also can lolx... E-commerce make fun of Ginny haha... Shing n me tag team shoot ginny lolx.. was fun la.

Last thing of the day is the presentation. Kevin's presentation was funny, cos got james lolx.. self defence presentation, then james is the volunteer. so funny.. Well, tmr got lab, need go sch at 2pm, but then the gals wan go sch earlier to study.. wah.. so hardwrkin... hai.. then i bo bian.. join in lor. But feel like goin the club crawl. but then no one go wif me, summore like very crowded... kao... i wan join archery or bowlin, must see how first..

On the way home in the train, LT complain say the train kip jerkin.. its true la. well, driver must be pek chek lolx.. then they (lt n phoebe) get off train at Khatib, me, ah ln n KY also get dwn haha.. then nxt train is to yishun, we 3 guys take the train n the gals wait for another train..
Well, jus now bout 7.30pm, phoebe called me asked me bout sem pro stuff, then we tok tok for bout 35mins found out dat the nxt train they took also same case, kip jerkin haha... toooo bad.. fated one la.. lolx... Phoebe is stuck in the traffic jam at kranji then rainin also. haha.. she confirm will miss the Jue dui Superstar one. She ask me to record, but i no recorder to record, then i suggest ask jonathan to record for her. well, end up i'm the one callin.... well, jon help her record liao. goin to pass jon empty disc to burn out epd 1 n 2. cant wait to watch epd 1.

Jus now wan to book tennis court cos tmr me, cody n james wan play tennis... damn it lor, system say is Bookin of facilities barred period... crap... bo bian.. confirm due to the club crawl one.. knn.... bo bian lor.. hai... other day then play liao... well, dats all for today.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

today woke up at 9.45. Bathe change up then went to yishun mrt at bout 10.25am.
No one reach yet... sm sms me sayin she will be late, ask us to go ahead first. Then ah ln reach at 10.30am. We waited for the 7min train, then train arrive wif phoebe n liting inside.
Reach Yck at bout 10.40am. Walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk ..... to tutorial rm for maths tutorial. Hot sia.
Maths tutorial 1hr.
Then nxt is maths lecture 1hr.
1hr break
1hr + Triple H tutorial, in which his tutorial cause confusion to all of us... well.. wateva...

I wen straight dwn to wrk at tpy after we left sch. Reach there bout 3.55pm. Still damn early.
Then me uncle say he leavin at bout 6pm, so i got free time till 6pm. Wen to walk walk then go arcade. Buy zui guay n mr bean pancake for dinner. Frm 6pm onwards, i watch Jay's mtv rip song, put into my mp3. Close shop at bout 9pm. Then wen home. No chance watch the Jue dui Superstar. But luckily i ask Jonathan to record for me in the com. hehe.. got time i get it frm him.

Reach home then bathe, use com. Feelin hungry, so i cooked instant noodle to eat.
Me voice comin back liao, but still bit jia lat, so me mum cook sum chinese herbs drink thingy, ask em drink to recover my voice quickly. Yuk... the drink very suky lor... hai.. but bo bian. for the sake of the presentation tmr, i must drink it..... Me now jus finish facial (kena force by mum.....) Goin to do my ppt slides liao.. ok dats all for today cya..
Wah... its 2.19am now. haha.. forgot to blog. Losin my voice ar... sian...
Ok.. today lesson at 12pm. Meet the gang at yck at 11.40+++.
Have miss lim lesson frm 12 - 1pm.

All plannin chalet liao lolx.. so fast. Plan early also not bad la. then got event to look forward to also.

Frm 1pm we waited.... n waited.... n waited.... (but plannin chalet at the mean time) for Triple H... Whr is he??? Still wrestlin wif Batista for the Heavy Weight championship belt i assume haha.... lamin liao...
Triple thought lesson start at 2, but at bout 1.30+ whole class gone liao haha.. song bo. End up we kena make up lesson tmr... hai...

We wen to FJ makan after dat. Eat tok eat tok, discussin bout sunday steamboat at liting hse. I nv say much, cos goin no voice liao haha... SHI SHENG ti cyndi haha... maybe twins dat gilian or cai yi lin also can haha.... lamin again lolx..

After dat we wen to yck mrt to take train home. Me n ah ln go arcade wen reach yishun. Played there. so sian... arcade a borin place liao....

Wen home. Use com.. slack... play gb wif ah ln for few rounds. then bathe n makan dinner at bout 7.20++. Watch tv till 10pm. then decide to do mathes tutorial.. did a few question then ah ln ask me play gb. haha.. Today gb so fun. got form sia. Aduka rulez!!! THOR POWER!! hehe.... dats all for today, i mean yesterday haha..

Monday, June 06, 2005

Today crawl out of bed at 6.30.. Its monday again, 8am lesson... summore maths hai.. Bathe change up, grab my bag, tennis racket n 14 log books n left home. Time, still early bout 6.15+am, half way towards yishun mrt, i receive call frm ah ln, he told me yishun gang all arrive liao. Wow, first time all sooooooooo early sia. Reach YCK mrt at bout 7.25, wah all there liao, except lavendar gang la... as usual... Today james wear until like a tree haha.... all laughin at him.

Lecture start at 8am, maths for 2 hrs. bla bla bla bla bla bla... n 2 hr pass. Got 2hr break. Me whole gang wen to mac to makan breakfast. Slack there, crap there for bout an hr. Then we left for tutorial room, sit in there chat, tok cock n lame.

Break ended, tutorial started, 1hr. bla bla bla bla... 1hr pass. Another 2hr break. Me whole gang wen to grassroot club play bowlin. 9 ppl playin sia haha... so many. We open 2 lane. n AS USUAL i won all again wahahaha... lalalala :p Our bowlin session end at bout 2.55pm, nxt lesson at 3.10 haha.. almost late. 2hr lecture... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla... 2hr pass hahaha.... Yeah no more lesson liao. End day.

Me n cody then wen to tennis court to meet PQ n Kevin for tennis... obviously haha.. Today i learn how to serve properly. Had a match wif cody n PQ haha... Yeah both i won. Tpugh battle lor.. so tired, one shot play wif 2 player lor.. wan die ar. haha... but very fun. Summore we play double, PQ Cody vs Me Kevin. but nv count pts la, jus play for fun. Frm bout 5pm start play until 8.45pm. Buay tahan liao. we all change up n left. Walk pass mac, PQ wan go in see haha... wats there to see, jus mac.. normal mac lor, except price cheaper la. All hungry, bought mac n makan, well dats my dinner. Was very hungry n got sorethroat summore, losin my voice hai... Nxt all wen home. Now jus finish bathin, tired, but still blog haha... N dat liting ki siao now, dun noe y so happy een ask me join her brush teeth team... -.-"' ok dats all for my busy n tirin day, hand wan break liao haha...
Its 1.40am now. haha.. jus now nv blog. okok. kip everything short.
Mornin wen dwn to tpy to open shop, then wrk till bout 2+pm i left.
Wen grandma hse to pass her sumthing, then slack there till bout 3.45pm, i went home cos ah ln comin my hse to do tutorial at 4pm.
Its 4.15pm, ah ln sms me say he will late. bout 4.30pm he reachec. we did pic, but tink oni i doin, cos he complete liao. Reacter system & heat n mass transfer really dun noe how to do.
After dat we play SVC chaos. haha... got win got lose la.
Wen northpoin to makan KFC wif ah ln fren. Then finally saw wat is the Ultimate KFC meal is all about. 2 piece chicken, Large whip potatoe, large drink, n cheese fries. haha... i see liao wan vomit liao lor, really pei fu ah ln fren, so skinny still can finish it. haha....
After dat wen bout to wen home, i met my godmum.
Then shu mei sms me, wan borrow our tutorial.
She havin dinner at 748, then me n ah ln wen to 748 find her then pass her ah ln tutorial, maths n pic.
Then both me n ah ln left for home. reach home, bathe liao then half chattin half watch tv :Waterboys. lame n funny show haha....
Then i watch the jap ghost tv show wif me mum n dad till bout 12pm.
After dat, ah ln jio me go play GB. ok lor. haha... Wen we team up, we pwn many other team many times sia haha... ern gd gold n gp.
I jus checked, i need 7 more GP to be battle axe wooohooo... haha...
Oh ya, tmr goin to play tennis in sch after sch. Book court frm 5pm to 8pm.
Me sec sch fren, PQ comin to join us, cos she bringin the tennis ball hahaha.... gdgd.. i get free tennis ball too. hehe... Well dats all for today. i goin to slp liao, if nt tmr dun noe hwo to survive sch, bowlin n tennis. lolx. okok. cya.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Today woke up at 1pm, got bit sore throat... sian 1/2. bathe liao then wen dwnstair da bao lor mee to makan. Then ah ln came at bout 2.30pm+, we did maths tutorial. haha... study until 4.15pm, we stop wrk n left, cos i need to go wrk in tpy at 5pm.

Reach my uncle shop at bout 4.55pm. Went 2 run an errand for my uncle n buy my dinner for myself. Today the shop got quite a few new stocks. Got one clock i like. but is $186. so ex... got money i will buy. Me was helpin my uncle rip cd, for few hrs.. wow.. really take a long time sia.. After dat i watch House of Fury again haha.. Watch until times up to close shop haha.. Well close shop liao then wen back yishun to buy supper then wen home. So sian. nothin to do now. Goin to help belle add hit counter to her blog. dats all for now.