291108 was a fun day. Wen on a 1 day trip to msia wif 3 pretty ladies haha... they are my sis, n my 2 lovely fren pq n yr. Slept 3hrs n i got to wake up at 4.25am. haha.. prep myself n after my godfather fetch all of us frm cck, yishun n amk, we head dwn to golden mile complex whr e meetin point for e trip is. Kinda surprising to see Lots of ppl already at GMC early in e mornin sia, so many family n ppl goin on desaru n gentin trips. So envious.. i wanna go gentin.. haiz.. but oh well. Anyway, we did a check in at 6am n e bus left for Tua custom at 6.30am. First stop is a place call Peling (anyhow spell de...) for breakfast. well, had some dim sum though jus very normal compare to those super duper nice on we had in sg but its cheap. Travel to a seaside area for lunch at 11.30am, but b4 dat 4 of us wen for photo takin session. haha.. we also found a GIGANTIC lobster! lol. well after lunch is Ostrich Farm visit. Had a close contact wif ostrich n its eggs, fun n educational. Nxt is Desaru Fruit farm, yet another educational tour haha... But had fun takin funny pics along e way. after this is dinner time.. but b4 dinner, we wen to a shoppin center, erm... kinda chui mall though.. well... had a waffle there. The waffle is much better then those sold in sg though. haha... but overall e shoppin thing is still zzzz... anyway. After dinner is boat ride to see firefly, the main thing of the trip. Well, its my 3rd time seein firefly though haha.. but still it kinda interestin to see it again. Seein firefly is quite a romantic thing but seein it wif a stranger beside u is nt romantic at all.. damn... so freakin turn off. sian 3/4. oh well. haha.. wat done cant be undone. lol. anyway, lunch n dinner we share table wif a family of 4. So freakin ke qi durin lunch. haha.. quite paisae, but well dinner is quite alrite liao at least we all got talk abit. Oh ya, lunch is baby lobster(main attraction of e day.) n some other dish like crabs n steam fish.. but dinner is much nicer though. lol. Well.. let e pics do e talkin shall we. haha..

Presentin.. For ONE TIME only... Alex's Levitation... Enjoy.. Muahahaha...