After readin all this, felt so envious, bit jealous though if i say no i'm lying. Bein rich is so damn gd. Can spend $$ like drinkin water.. hai... how i wish i am rich. Nth to worry bout. Need anything or wan anything can jus buy it. Ways of livin will be diff. Money can do many things in life. N also Dun need bother bout bills n sch fees, in which it was deducted jus now... now the heart is drippin blood cos all my hardwork n effort to save n earn $ jus got taken away... oh well.. being at the mid-lower class of the society is really very jia lat.. most of these ppl will face $$ prob. me one gd example. oh well dats life.. Really can feel n see the diff in the ways of living btw mid-low class n high (rich) class ppl. No one is born rich though... (other then those gin nas who were born into those Mr Richie Rich's families... How i wish i'm one of them haha...) Have u all wonder wat kind of prob will rich ppl face? hmm... i dun noe actually... nvm, will get to noe it wen i got rich haha.. I might look carefree, but u nv noe wat kinda prob i face everyday. My dream was to get out of the mid-lower class n on to the high class lvl. Who dun wan to be rich u tell me?? haha..
Saturday, July 02, 2005
After readin all this, felt so envious, bit jealous though if i say no i'm lying. Bein rich is so damn gd. Can spend $$ like drinkin water.. hai... how i wish i am rich. Nth to worry bout. Need anything or wan anything can jus buy it. Ways of livin will be diff. Money can do many things in life. N also Dun need bother bout bills n sch fees, in which it was deducted jus now... now the heart is drippin blood cos all my hardwork n effort to save n earn $ jus got taken away... oh well.. being at the mid-lower class of the society is really very jia lat.. most of these ppl will face $$ prob. me one gd example. oh well dats life.. Really can feel n see the diff in the ways of living btw mid-low class n high (rich) class ppl. No one is born rich though... (other then those gin nas who were born into those Mr Richie Rich's families... How i wish i'm one of them haha...) Have u all wonder wat kind of prob will rich ppl face? hmm... i dun noe actually... nvm, will get to noe it wen i got rich haha.. I might look carefree, but u nv noe wat kinda prob i face everyday. My dream was to get out of the mid-lower class n on to the high class lvl. Who dun wan to be rich u tell me?? haha..
Friday, July 01, 2005
Reach city square then wait for Phoebe. Wen she saw us she super excited n high sia lolx cos this is the first time we all go dwn jb to meet her. Well first thing we did was go makan lunch. Wen pass a dvd shop b4 we reach the xiao chi dian. omg, buy 5 dvd get 1 free... ahh... i wan buy, cody also.. but cannot.. most prob will got caught... hai... then we REN n wen for lunch. Had nasi lemak. not bad, the chilli was gd. After dat we start out shoppin spree... hai.. all see n see especially the gals, wen into every shop then can, n try clothes all this. Then also buy ear ring. Liting bought 3 pairs, mandy tink one. James also 1 pair lolx.. phoebe not sure.. Oh man, there r many shop sellin pirated games all this.. hai.. can see cannot buy.. sad sad... I intended to buy clothes one but nv saw any one i like though. Bought a bag for delon's bday. After walkin many shops i nv bought anything... End up i oni bought a shoelace for my the other pair of shoe. Well, then guys n liting wen for snack at bout 2++ We wen to season cafe, a cafe under swenson. Looked at the menu, haha.. the digits shown on the menu bout the same as sg, but its in rm. example, SGD 9.80/ on the menu is RM 9.80. haha... We ordered 4 main course, 4 drinks, 2 cakes n 2 ice-cream. The service there... cmi.. Anyway, they key rongly for the receipt, they charge 1 cake n 1 ice-cream less. haha.. gd la. hu cares sia.. After our so call snack we wen to walk walk. I ask liting help me see see the design of the watches sold there, cos buyin one for me mum's bday. Then bought one small watch. (me mum jus now say y nv buy those big big one...) We waited for phoebe n mandy to meet us after their non-stop shoppin spree. lolx.. they came back wif a few bags of clothing. haha.. gals... time is 4pm, we decided to go back to sg. After te msia custom, we board the bus, but then mandy ez-link no $$, then need coins.. called out to us, cos she cant board the bus, ah ln then wen dwn topass her the coin.. but then its too late, the bus left leavin ah ln n mandy behind.. hai.. bo bian lor, we waited for them at the sg custom. they arrived few mins after..
Back to sg, kranji mrt station. Cody n james goin dwn to delon the bbq. Mandy goin home, then liting goin to wrk at bout 6pm. Me n ah ln no whr to go lolx.. we followed liting to choa chu kang. We walked the whole of lot one shoppin mall. then liting saw the playboy bag she wanted to buy. lolx.. (to match wif the playbopy logo bracelet given by her "ah dear" panda haha... :P) Time bout 5.45pm. LT goin to wrk, then goin to take lrt... dat ah ln say wan to take lrt also.... cos wan to go one round.. wah liao... then i followed him. The lrt so damn pack lor... sian.. LT alight at teak khye. Me n ah ln took one round the when goin to reach tk, i decided to go see wat lt wrk place looks like so alighted at tk. haha.. wen to her shop. hmm... thought use those bit high teach seats thingy.. but then.. oh well lolx.. $1 per hr wat u expect. We discuss bout james bday thingy a while then tmr we meetin at CWP at 5pm. Reached yishun, then wen to see the rpicin of the cake. Then ah ln say wan go buy mr softee at 7/11 but wen to both 7/11 at np n gv haha.. all dun have. tooo bad. me then had dinner at burger king, whereas ah ln wen to arcade to game. oh well, after my meal n after his gamin, we wen home. Reach home quite tired.. baths then did reports. did not much anway... too tired to tink... hai.. oh well dats all for my fun n tiring day. :) jus hope i can follow u guys to msia agian ba. prayin hard..
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Sem project... now in a jia lat state... last min must change the things i'm doin... all was planned properly... but then now..... now my aim is to settle it by nxt thurs then compile all n rdy for the presentation asap... this is the most jia lat sem pro ever... so many zhuang kuang happen... hai.. sian..
Today got my TFT frm boon, installed n played liao. lolx. oh ya, me jus now tok to me mum again bout goin to msia. yeah!! finally can go liao. well.. jus for this time oni. tmr mornin must rush dwn to SIR buildin to get my passport extended. oh well must wake up early tmr liao. meetin james at bout 9.15am.. hope all goes well tmr. (",)
After sch, no event so wen home straight. Reach home had my lunch then use com a while, feel very tired, time is 4pm, so i wen for a nap, nap till 6pm woke up n time for dinner lolx. Mum fried wanton for dinner. Very delicious sia. haha... After dinner use com n stone omg... really waste time lor... stupid me.. then did my ppt for sem project show SSL tmr.. hai.. i 1person doin lung cancer then alfian dat grp doin Lung cancer.. 1 vs 3.. haha.. tink i goin to change ba.. suddenly find creation of cancer cell is more interesting then jus lung cancer. oh well, i did my ppt on lung cancer though, see ssl how to say tmr ba.
Tmr lesson start at 8am hai.. sian.. ok la. dats all for today ba.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Today schedule in sch: 2hr Lab then 3 hr tutorial then 3 hr lab again.
Triple H lab was slow n laggy... all bit fustrated while waitin. james n phoebe almost quarrel. But still things work out fine. The experiment we did need to wait n wait n wait... tmr still need to continue the nxt process for the experiment.... sian.. Tutorial was ok. Then PIC lab so damn relaxing. so easy. summore can play game on the com. After dat, wen dwn to south canteen for snacks, time is out 5.50pm.
Reach home, slack a while then dinner. Felt very tired at 9pm, so i took an hr nap. woke up mum jus reach home frm work. after she bathe n settle dwn liao, i go ask her whether i can go msia this fri wif my frens. but still NO... crap... then i reason out wif her.. hai.. still lose, then end up quarrellin... aiya.. bo bian la. she say cannot means cannot. Kip sayin msia dangerous. Ya la i noe its dangerous la. but then i wun be so damn suay to kena rite, of alllllll ppl who go there... Then kip sayin news report bout many cases happen in msia... crap sia.. y must those damn ppl cause so much trouble, then end up i cant go??? All this ppl must be damn n banish to the end of this world. They got brain a not? or jus a lump of useless waste in tat pathetic head of thiers? y must they stupid bastards cause so much trouble?? Condemn them to hell!! Pathetic scums of the earth. !@#$%^&* basket... Force me to be racist.. damn it la... knnbccb... Bo bian lor. like dat lor. LL lor. Stuck in sg liao... shit... hai... now all i can do is study study study... i jus wanna go there see got nice clothin to buy all this nia ma.. hai.. pathetic... think dats all for today liao la.. sian like hell.. still need do the sem project.. so many things to settle, so many choices to make in life.. life sux..
Today lesson start 8am to 5pm. Tired. Today's lab is on confusin n messy one. though we r able to complete it. Today all discussin bout friday goin msia to shop.. hai... me mum dun allow.. sian sian sian... hai... bo way gong lor. Mum big ma. hai.. sian sian sian...
Nth interestin happen today anyway. dats all for my monday ba. Tata..
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Above is the Overview of the shop, 90% of the items sold r imported good. Rangin frm Household to Decroration purposes. Most items r silver plated. Dun need scare it will tarnish cos it has a layer of lacquer. So clean it once in a while will do.
On ur right is a Tic-Tac-Toe coaster set. Care to play a game wif me? lolx
Nxt item which i find it worth the price is this mp3 player. 512mb mp3 player n comes wif a portable n foldable speaker. All this for the price of $188 only. Cheap indeed.
ps: No Fm.
We also help a company, by the name DuetForte to showcase thier product, wedding favors. U can visit thier website. So anyone gettin married now??
Last but not least the fellow hu tend the shop wen the boss is nt around. ME haha... Dats me laggin in front of the com. no internet connection one ar.
Oh well dats all for today lolx.
Left shop at bout 3.15++ quickly take train back yishun cos goin to watch movie wif my sis. Initial D. Its cool, n funny lolx. I dun mind watchin again actually. But it does not follow wat its suppose to be in the anime or comic, oni some part bout the same. But overall its cool n the racin part quite awesome. show start 4.40 end 6.35 but the advertisement was bout 20min... sian..
After movie, me n my sisters walk to chong pang one of the hawker meet up wif our parents n ah ma ah gong for dinner. Ordered a whole table of diff dishes. The table nxt to us, got 1 aunty very pathetic one, wen wan to get her dish, she jus stand up then the chair push very back, then my arm kip hittin it.... then i bit bit buay song, but heck care. I jus shift my seat. Me god-mum then say say a bit but i say nvm. Then the gal beside dat aunty tink heard me convi wif my gm then ask dat aunty to shift her chair. Oh well, then frm dat moment on, me n my gm VS dat gal n dat aunty will like quite frequently turn our head to look at the chair distance lolx..
After dinner, then we got crave for durians. bought $70 of durians. 1kg - $8. All wen to me place for durian feast lolx.. cham ar.. so fattenin haha.. Well tink dats all for today ba. cheers.